Tuesday 3 January 2017

Confusion! School say do not fight; Society say fight for your right!

"He who open a school; closes the prison's door" that was the quote from one of the notable Educationist. The problem of violence in our society is traceable to what the society itself teaches subconsciously. The problem of jungle justice, armed robbery, terrorism and street fights are what the society itself teaches our children without knowing it.

For most kids they grew up being taught violence subconsciously, When toddler of the same age have little disagreement over toys and one did become violent courtesy of what he/she has seen the adults do. The victim of such action took to crying or reporting to an older person, such a child is seen as a dunce for not retaliating and often time get punished for trying to be civil. The one who retaliated and caused more harm is crowned a "smart kid". Hence, the society sow a seed of violence in the mind of children in the name of protecting their rights. This action promote jungle justice, terrorism and street fight.

Hence, our security challenges of today were as a result of our negligence of yesterday on the values we ought to have teach our children. Violence against women still remain part of us, because children grow up to see nothing happen to men who beat their wives. The concept of jungle justice is an age long tradition that the society is guilty of, yet the notion was to discourage vices but we end up promoting disorderliness and inhumanity to man. The fact that we were taught to retaliate from childhood instead of the peaceful way of pursuing justice is a nod for violence as means of upholding ones right there by threatening our communal existence. We have taught our children the principle of "an eye for eye" that is why everyone is going blind courtesy of brutality.

Special thanks to our educational system which over the years has refined all those who passed through it. The school has really taught those who passed through it and allowed it to passed through them how to be civil. This is responsible for a bit of sanity that we have today in our society. No doubt there is need for the Government to ensure that our educational system need to teach more of values and inculcate in learners how to be civil.

The society need to complement the school in it non-violence approach to issues and discourage violence as a means to an end. There is need for us to change our orientation in view of our security challenges and so as not to leave our Children confused.

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