Tuesday 25 February 2020

Ash Wednesday 2020 - A time to really wear black!

On Ash Wednesday, it is always easy to know the Catholics or people that attend orthodox churches in your neighborhood. They are always easy for you to spot on the street with ash on their fore heads. People outside the faith see this symbol as a mark of identification of faith while the people who wore the ash know it is a reminder of the 'worthlessness" of life.

To the Catholics, black is not to good a color that is why the color purple is often in use in place of black. Then why will the Catholics in Nigeria resolve to wear black on Ash Wednesday instead of the traditional purple? The people of God in her leaders chose to wear black for the following reasons;

To protest the loss of innocent lives as a result of Religious killings that have refuse to stop despite the public outcry.

To as well mourn the dead especially victims of issues emanating from insecurity in the land.

To remind us all, once more of the famous quotes "Vanities upon vanities all is vanities" and "You are dust and unto dust you shall return"

This singular act is expected to speak to us as individual on the need for repentance and a call for good deed as a person for a better society as whole.

As a society it is a reminder for us to value human lives and a call to protect human lives and rights.

For the Government it is a reminder that the people have lost confidence in its duty to protect them from insecurity be deviling the land.

May God heal our land.

