Saturday 1 December 2018

Streetwise with angel - Please Save Nigeria;Vote right! Vote conscientiously!

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Winners of elections in Nigeria are predictable because we already have this conception that our votes don't count due to various electoral malpractices over the years. It is also as a result of our belief system in the concept of 'anointed candidate'. Nigerians pattern of voting is 'one-way ' traffic; often times we forget to critically assess the candidates and the post they are vying for. Subconsciously, we follow the dictates and the wish of 'political elites'. This is why the problem of leadership continue to threaten us as a nation.

Political parties pay little or no attention to their ideologies, philosophies and their manifestos, they are only interested in gaining power. Hence, political parties too can not clearly state what they tend to offer to the citizenry if they gain power. The only assurance they give is that "we will deliver" without clearly stating the deliverable to expect.  Political parties do not have objective criteria and yardsticks in electing their own flag bearer, so they often come out with an 'anointed candidate'or the candidate that pays the bills using the phrase 'consensus candidate' as a camouflage. If the parties  play on the electorates' intelligence by organizing a 'kangaroo primary' where the 'anointed candidate' still emerge. This is why most political parties recycle the same set of candidates every four years.

During the election we are always left with 'the good, the bad and the ugly', Nigerians don't believe in the fact that they can actually vote in a credible leader, they will rather vote 'the ugly' to despite the candidate they perceived as the bad one. In Nigeria, debates, manifestos and the antecedent of candidates contesting don't really matter provided that they have been 'anointed'.Come to a state in Nigeria where you become a Governor once you are 'loyal' to the 'Landlord'and you become a political party flag bearer, go to another state where you gain power the moment you are loyal to the dynasty.

Even to win an election in Nigeria as a whole you need the 'ex-generals' support, 'the go-ahead of traditional rulers', the attestation from international communities' 'the is ok of businessmen' and 'the anointing of religious leaders'. Once,  you have been endorsed by all of the above,  worry less about the actual electorates they don't have a choice. They will either vote for you or rig for you even if you are the 'worst' of the candidates contesting for the same office.The electorates often end up voting for a less credible candidate because of the notions that the credible ones will not win. The arguments are based on the endorsement above and the inability of credible candidates perceived 'good" to harmonizes their thoughts and come out strong together. Hence, an average electorate is not interesed in "wasting" his/her vote, he/she will end up voting for the 'anointed candidate' or to whom the majority for .

If the situation remains what it is, the problem of bad leadership may persist, Nigerians need to appraise political parties based of their philosophies, the ideologies they are offering and assess their flag bearer based on factual antecedent. More so, debates for aspirants should be taken seriously by electorates as one of the ways to be sure of what aspirants are promising based on their comments and body languages.
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Finally, when it is time to vote the electorates will have to look beyond the political parties and dissect the personalities to be voted for. This becomes necessary because for you to vote conscientiously there is a need for you to be convinced that your preferred candidate is someone you can entrust with your future and know that you will bear the burden of his actions or inactions at least for the next four years. It will be foolish of you to vote based on a candidate's popularity or based on religion and tribal inclination.
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You need to vote for people based on what they have done, and what they say they will do. You need to get a bit personal, do a check on their profile to adjudge how humane they are and their perspective for rule of law. To be conscientious while voting, at the end of your assessment your preferred candidate is the option you must attest to at the polling booth without inducement. Please save Nigeria; vote right! Vote conscientiously!

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