Wednesday 18 July 2018

Streetwise with angel - Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, the woman that won Russia 2018

France won the world cup but the Croatians won the hearts of many. The Croatian team was one of those teams that sport analysts looked up to, to spring a surprise in the World cup and indeed they never disappointed. Consequently, they played their first match against the Super Eagles of Nigeria and defeated us, this gave them an edge over every other teams in the group. The  3 - 0 win over the Argentine's team made the world look in their direction as a team that meant business. They led the group 'unbeaten' into the next stage.
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Suddenly the world noticed a fan of the Croatian team, behold it is the President of the country Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic cheering her citizens to victory in various matches. Then attention of the world shifted to Croatian National team. The surprise was not that a President came to watch a match, the surprise was that a female President passionately took interest in his country's football matches at the World cup more than her male counterparts. That she wore a jersey like every other fan without an oppressing security details, this spoke a volume about her simplicity.

Image result for croatian president kolinda grabar kitarovic
Yes France Emmanuel Macron boys might have won the trophy and took it to Paris, Croatian Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic won many hearts and took it to Zagreb. The fact that even France National team was an African Union in disguise reminded us again that Africa has the potential to rule the world.That a female president is a number one fan of the national football team is a lesson for us all. This woman has shown us that either as followers and leaders our patriotism should know no boundary.
Image result for croatian president kolinda grabar kitarovic

Kolinda has displayed to the world that the battle of 'gender inequality' is a fiction of our own imagination, it is a fight without basis. The concept of 'It is man's world' is fallacy and the hypothesis of 'What a man can do; a woman can do better' is null and void. Her personality just shown to the world that 'sex' is not a determinant of who and what we are meant to be. It is just a definition of our being which should not decide for us what we should be.
Image result for croatian president kolinda grabar kitarovic

Her hugs and kisses with men in the rain will surely take our mind back to sex as an act. Hence, we reflect on the breast and the butt. What of if she has forgotten her feminine nature and chose to be a human being in her thinking. Here is another lesson for us all,we need to look beyond the act of sex in our interaction with opposite sex to bring out the potentials in each other.
Image result for croatian president kolinda grabar kitarovic

So, it ended Croatian national team won silver at the world cup but President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic won the hearts of many in Russia 2018.


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Tuesday 10 July 2018

Streetwise with angel - 'Ekitocrazy' Election for my country naa padi padi

Here is the lyrics from the song of African China,
'election for country naa padi padi, padi padi arrangi naa'.

 I leave you to guess the meaning with a reference to another lyrics from the song of 9ice.

'Shebe le maa sun o te ba sope e o mo un kan kan, eyin aaro le ma wa o, mewaa n sele o. Lagbaja ti woo le, talo diibo fun pasan taa fi naa iyaale oun be lori aaja fun iyawo. Odo  elo tun ra mu ema je koo pe dudu fun yin ni funfun'.

The scenario in Ekiti state seems to be reality of  fact expressed by two the musicians. Can we really say over time that elections in Nigeria were what they should be? Apart from 1993 general election which was even annulled, the words of African China seems to be nothing but the truth. 'Election in Nigeria is by arrangement'. The case of Ekiti in the last 8 years really worth been studied by the political Scientist as "Ekitocrazy". It started with an appeal court verdict that ordered a "rerun election", this added a new vocabulary to the field of political science. After the election a three and the half legal battle ended and a winner emerged.

Peace indeed reigned for a short while until politicians gathered again and decided to make a shift from their party to the ruling party. Then power changed hand and the scoreline became 16-0. An average Ekiti electorate has suffered from the hands of politicians who chose propaganda and deceit to sell their personalities and that of their parties to the public. Virtually, all the politicians in the arena overrate their personal ambition than the interest of the state then it become the case of 'ai fagba fun eni kan ni je aaye ogun'.

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Eventually, the time for another election is at the eleventh hour and the electorates will have to pick an option from the multiple choices that are not even the best the state can offer. The electorates have the option to pick "Continuity in poverty" or adopt a "Change" they once threw away on a platter of gold. The ball is in their court once again the option become theirs to make.
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However, whatever choice eventually make the expectation should not be high, because it will be dawn of a turbulence night. The people should vote conscientiously and wait for the outcome. To sell vote is to buy poverty for the next four years and to vote out of sentiment is to vote for hypocrisy. Election should depict people's will not personal desire nor Federal might. Vote is your right, so vote right.
Image result for images of ekiti governorship candidates


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