Friday 29 June 2018

Streetwise with angel - Lagos tanker's explosion, who should we blame?

Seriously Speaking who should we blame for Lagos tanker inferno? Government of course! To believe that Nigeria is mixed trade is doing so at ones peril. We operate capitalism here, so Government need to wake up to its duty in regulating some life threatening economic activities due to " cutting corners".

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The various Agencies of Government regulating some of our economic activities are not doing enough and they have not been paying due attention with priority to safety of lives and properties. We hear of fake drugs, drug abuse, human trafficking, violation of traffic rules as if we are in a chaotic nation. Yet there are laws against some of these social vices but it seems there is no political will to enforce these laws especially when a general election is drawing near.

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No doubt Nigerians are carefree people too we endanger our lives. This carefree attitude for some is illiteracy and low level of intelligent quotient. For some they don't just care about safety of lives and properties. So the Government has a duty of orientation for the masses on actions that pose threat to lives and properties. Likewise, there should be laws that will ensure culprits either individuals or corporate organizations'actions and inactions that lead to disasters such persons should be held liable.

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The menace of tanker and trailer drivers on our road is worrisome, due to height and weight of these vehicles their drivers intimidate other vehicles.Then the Government has to regulate their movement on the road in as much they are threat to lives and properties. They should have hours to be on the road say 12am - 4am. Companies that own these trucks should be compelled by law to pay millions of compensation to victims should in case any accident happen.

Hope you see what I am seeing it seems on response to emergency we are getting better while we tell Lagos State Government to keep it up, we can as well remind us all that 'Prevention is better than cure and obedience is better than sacrifice'.
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May God rest the souls of the victims and continue to keep us from all dangers.
