Saturday 28 October 2017

Weekend vibe with angel - If all you see is redeem and Mountain of fire? You need deliverance!

When the Yoruba demons gather in their numbers and you hear something like " that girl is a redeem and she has mountain of fire" Let not your mind wonder along Lagos/Ibadan expressway the above statement is an introduction to another discussion entirely different from Christianity and denominations. If you are not familiar with the registers your comprehension of the subject matter will be insignificants. Besides, it is a mature discussion and there is no room for vulgar languages. There is no room for deviation please stay on the subject matter.

What attract you to a bird is essential for your own spiritual and mental stability. Did I hear you ask who stability help? The people from your village are definitely doing over time on top your matter. If you can't actually do without committing " Lookery" I know you will like to ask me " Is it your looking? Not at all just have to pity your eyes because in few years to come you may have to cope with a blindness.

Well, actually a bird can do a lot more that what you can see or perceive. Do you know that a bird can sing, well singing as in song but there so many potentials within her that will beat your imaginations. Those are innate talent that she herself might not be convinced of so your essence is to bring her to the realization of that fact.

Hope you know a bird can build a nest, so why worry about her flying away when you can encourage her to build one in your domain. Can you really serve as a branch of a tree that can house a nest. As in nest her place of comfort and pleasure as in COMFORT not necessary a tree with fruits and big canopies. So, no matter how long she sojourn in the sky the nest still remain the abode in the night.

The bird lays eggs in the nest what do you do with them? Not just eggs as in for hatching but all good thing she brings in the nest.Those are things she can offer you for always being there. You have never thought of that because your focus has always been her bonnet and V-booth.

So, next time you see a bird commit less "Lookery" get close enough to know her and stop the fantasy of you going to through Lagos/Ibadan expressway with intention to stop by at Mountain of fire and be redeemed. If you do not understand this article never mind it doesn't matter.

Do have a nice weekend.

For blogs/websites content

Friday 20 October 2017

TGIF with angel - What women want? I think have a clue?

The female folks are very simple but complicated beings, an attempt to satisfy them will make your life a complicated issue. "What women want" has been a question on the lips of men from the time immemorial. The question over time has become an unresolved riddle with three proposed options as the answer. The options include money, sex and power, no doubt nothing attract women to a man like those three factors but non of those three factors can singlehandedly keep a woman solely for a man.

There have been a lot of thoughts over those three proposed answer to what women actually want. The response from the females folks  revolves round those factors that is ;Money, Sex and power with various exception based on individual differences. However, a submission from an air opinion poll from a radio program identify "Security" as what women want. The word "Security" implies a lot of things that still revolves round the same three initial options.

Just early in the morning off to work, I board a tricycle and chose to sit at owner's corner as a typical African man, just few seconds later a woman with two kids came in. She pleaded me to "shift", she actually wanted to sit where I was sitting because she wouldn't get to the bus stop before alighting. I was in my gentleman cloak so I granted her request without hesitation. Just before we took off she was telling the rider that she was actually paying for herself only because she had no money yet she had a =N=250 change to collect. So, I was wondering how she intended to sit with her two kids on a single seat she paid for. We were joined by other two passenger then we were set for the ride. The woman chose to carry her two kids on her lap there by putting the older one at the risk of tricycle on motion without a door. Having learnt inertial in my elementary physics class, I couldn't sit back and watch the girl become a casualty of circumstance should incase of any friction. I chose to offer a help carrying one of the kids the boy to be precise on my lap so that she can carry her daughter comfortably. She was very generous with her "thank you" this time. Then the rider issued a riot act " No change o", unfortunately he was talking to me because I had =N=1000 on me. I told him my predicament, he was not ready to listen the response was " oga come down". I was actually trying to alight when the woman told the rider, let us go I will pay his transport fare. This time her generosity baffled me because she once complained that she had no money  that is why she decided to risk her daughter's life subconsciously?

The scenario confirmed to me that what a woman actually want is "Security"  with money, power and sex embedded in it. The fact that I said I had =N=1000 convinced her to pay for me, all women want that man that can offer more than what they can offer in terms of financial resources not necessarily because they want to enjoy the money, they just need that security of money . Most women don't like to be in the center of power due to complex but they like to secure that seat where they can influence anything anytime they wish to. Mind you they want to be the only one who has that influence on that man. Masculine gender to most women on its own connotes security that is why they are always busy looking for a tall guy with a broad shoulder and six pack.

So, what women want is " Security" in terms of money, sex and power.

Well let me say congratulation to the baby bae..... Treasure it is not easy to be a second degree holder, my dream for you is to be a bae....and of course Professor in English Literature.

Do have a nice weekend.

For blog/Website content

Friday 13 October 2017

Heart Matters with Omo - oba Adeosun - Do have a long lasting relationship

There many ways on how to have a happy and long lasting relationship and of course marriage, but the most essential ones are:

1. Make God the center of your relationship. Pray for your partner and your relationship.
2. Be best friends forever
3. Be faithful and trustworthy to each other.
4. Love unconditionally.
5. Forgive and let go.
6. Admit your mistakes, learn something from them and ask for forgiveness.

7. Maintain good communication.
8. Keep dating each other everyday.
9. Respect one another.
10. Never give up on the other.
11. Make surprises to each other.
12. Make time for each other.

Keep practicing these few tips and you will have a happy relationship that will last into marriage.

Have a nice weekend.....
#1 💖

You need cake for your Birthdays, Weddings and Special Occasions.
Contact Omo - oba adeosun whatsapp +234-80-6160-5146

On this note let us join angel and treasure to wish Miss Idowu Olayemi and her Boo... Happy married life in advance DJ play her Orente by Adekunle Gold..