Friday 8 September 2017

TGIF with angel - Keep your Faith while in Love

Faith and belief is never an issue at the genesis of today's relationship. Most guys will feel like there is no point in trying to be over spiritual about things while most girls will feel like it is actually too early to pray about anything. So, subconsciously the two parties often decide to have God as a spectator in their relationship for those who actually know he is interested in their life any way. For some subconsciously their "love life" is non of God's business after all his law says no to fornication and if "Sampling and Tasting" the forbidden fruit will be part of the modus operandi then they often do God a favor so they don't bother involving him. So, they go on loving without paying attention to Faith. Meanwhile God is love!

Can love really survive without faith? That can only be possible if fish can really survive without water. Let us get something clear, faith is not about your religion or denomination it about one's perception and conviction about who God is. It is about ones relationship with God, though, religion and denomination have a lot to do with faith in God. Mind you God is love so you can not actually love without faith in him. Hence, you can not actually have a stable and cordial relationship with any human being if you don't have a relationship God. Subconsciously, some have relationship with God and they aren't conscious of it while others are in a conscious relationship with the creator. To love any one at all you need faith - cordial relationship with God.

Guess what a time will come when your love for the other person will not be enough to keep the love going. The faith in God will be the underlying factor that will keep one going. The faith will energize the hope and door will be opened for values and virtues that will keep one going. God will definitely dwell within and his presence be that of peaceful ambience where blessing and grace will abundantly flow. The Faith in God will keep you above deception which is a feature of todays' relationship.

Finally, if you keep your faith while in love, it is like a soldier fully armed and readily prepare for battle. You will end up defending yourself and watching the back of your love one when the battle get tough. Your faith in God with love will ascertain a victory.

Well, on this note conjugal bliss in advance to Mr. Ifeanyi Oji & Claire Afolashade (nee Gomez), I leave you with the song of P square featuring Dave Scott "Bring it on"

For your blog/websites content

Thursday 7 September 2017

Street wise with Omoba- Adeosun - Why is She single?

Why is she single?

Because these days, guys are too dimensional and all they care about is partying and she is not a party person?

Because these days, guys have no substance and depth to them and all they want to do get laid and hook up with as many girls as possible when she is not a sex object.

Because these days, guys can't commit and expect every girl to be down to have an open relationship with them does she look  like a baby doll.

Because these days, guys would rather invite a girl over to watch some Netflix and chill instead of taking them out on a real date when they also have television at home.

Because these days, guys would have more to say over text messages and be extremely awkward in person excuse me she is not a fictional being.

Because these days, guys are taking too long to mature and are still going through that phase where they want to "experience" more she doesn't have that time for spoon feeding.

Because these days, guys aren't able to fight off temptation and would easily give in if other girls try to lure them in waiting for her to teach them the latter part of the lord's prayer.

Because these days, guys don't even take themselves serious so why should she carry a guy like 50kg sack of lake rice.

Because these days, guys only want to act like your boyfriend, but still be single and want her to act like their girlfriend and want her to be loyal to only them that can kind of loyalty is from dog man's best friend.

Because these days, guys aren't capable of handling how crazy she is and they want her to always adapt to their own kolo mental bros... it doesn't that way.

For Your Pastry and Catering Service whatsapp omoba - Adeosun 08061605146

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Heart Matters with Wanny B - 7 things to do to be great!

What are your dreams, your hopes, and aspirations? Are they in harmony with your personality? Whether your goal is to be a fashion designer, a corporate vice-president, or the owner of a franchise, as a great person, you must always aim to improve your personality. For greater personality, here are seven things to do:

What are you passionate about? What excites you? Are you an enthusiastic person? The mental vision you hold about yourself, the way you think, the dreams you wish to turn into reality, and the way you view life all make up your positive attitude. Creating and maintaining a positive attitude contributes to your self- image and serves as a worthy purpose.

Have you already made your career choice? Do you already own your own business? Is it the best choice for you? Are you putting all of your creative skills to a worthy causes? Do you have an active plan for reaching your career or business goals? With positive, mental and spiritual energy, you'll have a strong cushion of faith to fall back on when life hands you a challenge.

Develop projects that will inspire you. Direct your thoughts on any behavior that enhances your personal or business growth. Make better choices that will lead you to fulfill your goals.For example, it may help to periodically review or identify your needs, skills, and goals. And as soon as you condition your mind to develop positive, mental and spiritual energy, you won't have any problem creating good feelings about yourself or your life.

In stressful situations, strength and energy is vital for positive results. Thinking, feeling and acting positively builds your self-image and develops your power to think clearly. Inner strength gives you the power to handle the many hassles or stresses in both your business and personal life.

You can turn impossibilities into realities by visualizing what you want to happen, then acting to make it come true. See yourself already there and your goal as already accomplished. The same applies when you are afraid to attempt a tough project, or have to deal with a negative situation. Fear, worry and negative thinking disappear when you visualize a positive outcome.

Keep thinking: You can get whatever it is you want, if you believe that you can. Give your subconscious mind positive goals and successful images to work with, then watch what happens
when you set your heart to accomplishing what you want.

Improve your physical, mental, and emotional strengths by not dwelling on your weaknesses.Try not to hold resentments toward anyone or anything. Learn to see the other person's view.To maximize your strengths, remember your successes, and the things you have done well.And remember to thank God for all that you have and all that is to come. Ambition then is the power to gain and enlarge your knowledge, your creative skills, and your positive spirit. Ambition increases your positive energy level. Remember: negative thinking burns physical energy three times faster then positive thinking. With practice, it always becomes easier to do. Personal power can only be achieved by what you accomplish. Supply your thoughts and your life with positive energy. Personal power comes from self-discovery, self-improvement and self-esteem. Keeping your mind filled with positive visions not only shapes your image, others are affected by your positive attitude. This is your personal power.

So, what are your ambitions?

I am Wanny B, for stories on your blogs andwebsites always at your disposal.