Friday 27 May 2016

Pick "Appointment" from Disappointment! Not saying "It go better"

It is nice to know that often time we feel disappointed about things both those one we have control over and those we don't. For those we have control over we feel proud and try to right our wrong. Our knowledge come into play, the understanding now matters. Guess what you become wiser than your age can you imagine! All because you see no limitation after your fall. It is nice to continue a journey after this kind of development. That is when you hear a mistake is never a mistake until it is repeated because the chance of repeating the stupid act could be an act of foolishness. Failure is never failure until it repeated?

Disappointment is often use for those involuntary ugly circumstances that comes our way. The fact that it is an involuntary situation makes it a threat to progress and happiness. if one is not careful one land into depression which often bring about regression. This how most people become victims of psychological trauma and there become a " loyal Client" to health official. Whereas you can pick up your "Appointment" from "Disappointment".

 Do accept your disappointment! It will surprise you that most people don't they go on living in the belief that it has not happened. They live on their lives like a driver cruising on with a vehicle that has flat tyre with a Slogan "It go better" Ask yourself with you driving on in a vehicle with a flat tyre will it ever get better if no then accept your disappointment.

Do not mourn forever! Time wait for no one and there is time for everything indeed there is a time to cry as a result of pain but never cry for too long. Tears are precious water from the eyes that is not easy to come bye. Gather yourself together within a twinkle of an eye and let people wonder how soon for you to be back on track. You are expected to know how to change a flat tyre in a journey of life.

lastly, in the word "disappointment' there is word  "appointment". In a darkened sky there is a ray of brightness look for the opportunity within your disappointment. Explore the opportunities and refine it for your development. You may one day thank God for that disappointment.

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Friday 20 May 2016

Was it because they were Chibok'girls?

Now that the Chibok girls are now returning as Chibok women it raises a lot of question about us as a people. One will not doubt the impact of environment on act of terrorism. Why Chibok is the first question I asked those who cared to answer me. The response was that Chibok is a town in Bornu with most of it indigenes are Christians in the core North. Then, I concurred with the fact that it was an act of terrorism against the Christendom. Wait a minute what about the massacre of boys in Yobe and Kano, it is was not really relevant because they were boys. Boys were reported to have been kidnapped in Yobe too but there was no hastag and no group to say bring back our boys or say bring back our Children. Our society is some how subjective too on issues of human lives.

The Chibok girls were kidnapped in a broad day light nobody was really quizzed for the event. The Examination for the day was Physics, are all the Students kidnapped offering the subject? How come the daughters of the power that be in the school weren't in school on the day? Most of the students interview afterward could not express themselves in a lingua franca of the nation for  secondary schools students? Then one keep wondering what the official language in schools in the core Northern Nigeria is? Our Educational system is some how subjective base on political zone.

The Politicians playing politics with the future of Nigeria, The pro- Chibok girls politicians saw the scenario as opportunity to score cheap political point. The sitting Government then remained helpless because it doesn't really know what to believe. By the time she woke up from the slumber election was around the corner and" I will bring back the Chibok girls" became an electoral promise for intending aspirants for the Chair in Aso rock. After election the table turn and the kettle calling pot clueless came to say it didn't have a clue. Then why did you promised on thing you have no clue? Then Nigerians will answer you on his behalf. It is an electoral promise now. Does that mean we are not believe electoral promises again?

The sympathetic international community who was busy crying with us with a promise to find those girls. They suddenly came back to say we never asked for help. Interesting, Is the world not a global village are we not suppose to help each other in situation that neighbors become helpless. Lip service and indifference. Then they claim to be there for us provided we adopt homosexuality. It shows they careless about us? Should we still have course to trust them?

So, many questions no answer, now that some of those girls are returning as Chibok women truth will definitely emerge from Sambisa forest. Then our society need to really pay attention to the issue of religion extremism. The Girl Child education campaign going on in the North need to be re-echoed because it seems those girls are only going to school but they are not learning. Child Marriage still remain an issue here too with most of the Chibok girls returning with self-acclaimed husband and a babe or pregnancy. The law of this land have to take a Stand on " Child Marriage" as a crime or not.
Finally, the immediate past Government claimed that there were saboteur in the government that make the fight against terrorism and the search for Chibok girls a herculean task. Now, that cat is gradually coming out of bag then the stage ought to be set for those saboteur to face trial.
.angelWas it because they were Chibok girls?